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Bu-bear Teddy Bear Starter Sewing Pattern

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This is a sewing pattern for a sweet little Teddy Bear. He is about 20cm/8" tall and can be made in just an hour and a half, with the help of a sewing machine! You can watch me making the pink bear in this video:

Please note that this is a pattern for you to make, it does not include any equipment or a finished article. Links to suppliers are included in the instruction booklet.

You will also need:
• A small bag of toy stuffing or an old pillow to butcher.
• A needle and a doll needle.
• Matching thread for sewing machine users.
• Extra strong thread for both sewing machine users and hand sewers.
• Fabric scissors
• A marker pen for marking seams (I use a soluble one)
• (Needle nose pliers for turning pieces)
• (Glue for attaching the mask if you prefer)
• (Cotter pin joints are optional, 18mm would be the best size).

If you have a sewing machine then this pattern can be made using a small running straight stitch. It’s not the end of the world if you don’t have access to one, but they do make things look neater.
If you don’t have a sewing machine then these patterns may take a little longer to complete but they will have a great finish if you can master two stitches – the back stitch (shown top right) and the ladder stitch (shown bottom right). I would advise you to always sew with extra strong thread and check my website at for a bear-making tutorial book which describes how to complete these stitches (YouTube is also a great place to learn).
I would recommend these patterns for confident beginners, with some intermediate suggestions for improvements also provided. Please feel free to message me for help with the patterns.
Thank you!
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